The Puget Sound Knappers
PURPOSE: To serve as a platform from which to promote and practice knapping basics and skills.
CODE OF ETHICS: The Puget Sound Knappers will not condone, encourage or sanction the following activities:
The sale of prehistoric artifacts.
Alteration of prehistoric sites.
Sale of modern replicas as authentic prehistoric artifacts.
The sale of modern replicas which do not clearly display permanent marks to distinguish the replicas as modern.
The leaving of a knapping area without policing the debitage, dating and burying it with coins, cans, etc.
Digging or collecting artifacts in a known prehistoric site. |
Membership in the Puget Sound Knappers (PSK) - Membership in the Puget Sound Knappers Association is free to anyone that meets the following criteria:
1. You want to be a member and either flintknap or have a desire to learn how to knap or are just interested in flintknapping.
2. You provide us with contact information so that you can receive 'SPALLS' - the official newsletter of the PSK.
3. You agree, to the best of your ability, to abide by the PSK 'Code of Ethics.
4. You attend one our knap-ins in the Pacific Northwest (strictly optional but highly enjoyable!).
While there is no cost to join the Puget Sound Knappers or to attend any of our events, take flintknapping lessons at our knap-ins or enjoy our terrific knap-in potluck dinners, we do ask that anyone that learns to flintknap from a PSK member in turn teaches someone else. If we teach you the only price we ask is that you in turn pass along what you learn to someone new.
There are no other formal requirements to be a member of the PSK, there are no dues, no fees, no registrations, and no qualifications other than being interested in knapping. However, there is a Clan within the PSK that is affiliated with the Ear of Corn Society/OogaBooga Tribe of Flintknappers. Membership in this clan is exclusive and anyone desiring to become a member and participate must meet certain requirements and undergo a rigorous initiation. Qualification reviews and initiation ceremonies are held at our knap-ins by designated clan members. To learn more about the history of the Puget Sound Knappers Association click the following link The History of the Puget Sound Knappers Association
To become a member of the Puget Sound Knappers simply contact any member or email the webmaster at :
Council Of Elders
The 'Council of Elders' is the advisory group within the Puget Sound Knappers Association that provides support and guidance for the PSK website and it's newsletter 'SPALLS' on behalf of all knappers in the PNW. The council consists of the founding members of the PSK, senior members of the OogaBooga Tribe and esteemed knappers in the Pacific Northwest.
The members are (alphabetically):
Dave Pehling
Granite Falls, WA
Founding Member of the PSK, Host - Winter Break/Cabin Fever Knap-in
(Dave's Bio)
Dave Rauschenberg
Enumclaw, WA
Host of the Enumclaw Knap-in
Ed Thomas
Goldendale, WA Founding Member of the PSK, Host - Goldendale Knap-in 2002 - 2013
(Ed's Bio)
Harvey Hughett
Moscow, ID
Early Member of the PSK
(Harvey's Bio)
Henry Payne
Harrisburg, OR
Host - Springfield Cabelas Knap-in
Jim Smith
Bothell, WA
Early member and OogaBooga 'Spirit Guide'
(Jim's Bio)
Joe Greenwell
Seattle, WA
Early Member of the PSK, Editor and Publisher of SPALLS
(Joe's Bio)
Joe Higgins
Oak Harbor, WA Founding Member of the PSK, Host - Ft Knapadonia Knap-in since 1994, Ooga Booga Chief
(Joe's Autobiography)
(Joe Higgins - Member, Flintknapping Hall of Fame)
Mick Hill
Lacy, WA
Early member, Host - Millersyvania Knap-in since 1996, and OogaBooga 'Coyote'
(Mick's Bio)
Richard 'Yukon Dick' Kocan.
Suquamish, WA
Early member and OogaBooga 'Coyote'
(Yukon Dick's Bio)
Steve Allely
Sisters, OR
Prior Host of the Glass Buttes Knap-in, World Champion Ishi Notch Point
(Steve's Bio)
(Steve Allely - Member, Flintknapping Hall of Fame)
Stu Murdock
Redmond, OR
'The Ute Flintknapper,' Early member, prior Host - Cle Elum Knap-in, OogaBooga 'Chief'
(Stu's Bio)
History of the Puget Sound Knappers
Where are PSK members located?
Photos of Our Members - Past and Present
In Memorium
Missing Knappers - Help us located them
OogaBooga Members
Photos of the Non-Knapper Members
The Official Patch of the PSK
Special Tributes to PSK Members
Knapper's Marks - A registration of personal marks use by knappersto sign their art. Open to all!
Official PSK 'Knapper Mark' registration form
PSK Point Collection
The Display Case
PSK Knap-in Best Practices Guide
PSK Knapper's recipes
PSK's Automatic External Defibrillator
PSK Flintknapping Humor 
Puget Sound Knappers' Library - How-to Books and Videos & 'Home Movies'. Plus books on relate subjects
PSK Window Decals
Kabuki Fundraiser
Back-up Webmaster/SPALLS Publishers Wanted
Lost and Found Page. If you lost it at a knap-in look for it or list it here.
PSK First Aid/CPR/AED Training Now Available
750 Active Members
Please Welcome Our Newest Members (joined since February 2017)
Andy James – Tulalip, WA (Tulalip Tribes of Washington) |
Andrea Twiss – Puyallup, WA* |
Cesare Bartorelli – Italy/Washington (Dual) WAS* |
Jackson Fellows – Puyallup, WA* |
Tom Sullivan – Fox Island, WA |
Thomas Fellows - Puyallup, WA* |
Adam Zebley – North Bend, WA |
Alexis Krauss – Puyallup, WA* |
Philip LeTourneau – Seattle, WA |
Charles Borrowman - Puyallup, WA * |
Cory Demotts – Chelan, WA |
Logan Nelson – Rio, IL* |
Dan Gracia – Duvall, WA |
Marco Garcia-Duarte – Seattle, WA* |
Daniel Petersen – Vancouver, WA |
Jeff Herberger – Camas Valley, OR |
Eddie Mata – Goldendale, WA |
Kriss Wegemer – Tacoma, WA |
Fred Burton Samson – Missoula, MT |
Lloyd Heise |
Gabrielle Guoidbach – Longview, WA |
Michael Wade – Seattle, WA |
Gregg Wilson – Bellevue, WA |
Robert McCurdy – Portland, OR |
Jason Hinkle – The Dalles, OR |
Tyrel Quantrell – Goldendale, WA |
Vince Lando – Corbett, OR |
* Wolf Camp and the Conservation College, Puyallup, WA
denotes Art Gallery
** denotes a minor - no last name w/o permission
Our Webmaster is Jim Keffer, from Sammamish WA
Contact us via email at: