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Warning! Disclaimer! These articles are provided as a courtesy and are for general information ONLY!!!!! It is YOUR OWN PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to check for updates and changes to regulations!

Do I Need a Permit?

Consider these questions:


  • Will you be rafting a river that requires a permit?
  •  Will you be traveling in a designated Wilderness?
  •  Are you charging a fee?
  • Do you expect to make money on the event or is the fee to cover expenses?
  • Will there be a competition?
  • Will you advertise?
  • Will you mark a course?
  • Will you be expecting vehicles at your event? (How many?)
  • Will your event involve public lands?
  • Is anyone being paid to organize, lead, or participate in your activity?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you may need a permit from the BLM.


Commercial Use

Commercial Use is defined as recreational use of public land and related waters for business or financial gain. When any person, group, or organization makes or attempts to make a profit, receive money, amortize equipment, or obtain goods or services, as compensation from participants in recreational activities occurring on public land, the use is considered commercial.


Examples: Outfitters and guides, jeep tours, horse-trail and wagon-train rides, cattle drives, educational tours or uses, and photography associated with a recreational activity.

Organized-Group Activity

Organized-group/event permits are for noncommercial and noncompetitive group activities and recreation events.


Examples:A large scout camp out, a fraternity activity, a large family reunion, an educational tour or use, or a dual-sport event.



(The conditions and stipulations required below

the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) are checked below)





The following must be submitted before an application is

 approved and a permit issued. This information must be

submitted within days after the date of application:


         a. A topographic map, showing area of proposed use

with routes, parking, staging areas, proposed improvements,

and other points of intensive use specifically identified.

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) topographic quadrangle

maps are available from USGS offices and from numerous

private concerns. Planning unit maps are also available at most

BLM District Offices to help determine land ownership patterns.



  b. Applicant must inform other pertinent private

 landowners and/or pubic agencies (law enforcement,

highway, fish and game, etc.). BLM will contact other authorized

 users of authorized users of public lands






      c.   A certificate from an insurer

that comprehensive insurance has

been obtained for this use or event

in the amount specified by the BLM.

The certificate must name the U.S.

Government as additional insured,

and give the BLM 30 days notice of

cancellation or modification of such

insurance.  30 days notice of c

ancellation or modification of such



             d.  An acceptable bond,

surety, cash deposit, or other

acceptable guarantee of payment in

amount of ­­­­$_____ to secure payment of the special recreation use fee and/or

mitigation of damages.



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©2010 J Keffer