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Knapping Artwork by Steve Allely

Winner - 2010 World Champian Notching Contest
(Some of Steve’s Art may be for Sale)

Steve Allely is a living legend amongst flintknappers in the Pacific Northwest and throughout North America.  His flintknapping art has appeared in numerous editions of the Art of the Ancients Calendar though Steve himself has never submitted a photo.  A true Master Flintknapper, Steve is perhaps best know for his Ishi Points, going so far as to not only reproduce the style but the size and material favored by Ish and using the same type of tools Ishi used.  

Steve is the current 'host' of the Glass Buttes Knap-in - which means he arranges and puts up the money for the Porta-Potties and keeps them stocked with toilet paper - a daunting task!  While at the Glass Buttes Knap-in, Steve is very easy to locate - just look for the crowd of knappers taking lessons.  Everyone from newbies to the most experienced knappers try and get a place next to Steve and learn from the Master!  Steve is always willing to give advice and free instruction, whether it be to the crowd or one-on-one.  And whether you prefer 'modern' tools such as copper boppers or 'abo' tools such as hammerstones or antler tines, Steve does it all.

In addition to his exquisite knapping art, Steve is a master at reproducing Native American marital arts artifacts - bows, arrows, knives, etc.  His ability to produce extremely accurate details comes from years of studying  North America native tools and weapons.  He's an acknowledged expert in this field and has lectured in several foriegn countries, including Korea.

What many people don't realize is that Steve is an accomplished artist as well.  Steve painting art has been featured on Oregon Public Broadcast channel's Oregon Art Beat Program and hang in the homes of some very lucky art collectors!

Steve has recently combined his vast knowledge of Paleo Artifacts and painting art to help museums restore ancient artifacts.  A really worthwhile application of his talents!

And last but not least, Steve is an accomplished musician.  His bagpipes entertain knappers at Glass Buttes every year!

May 2024 Updates from Steve Allely

Montana agate Gunther

Purple, green, and gold in this Mexican rainbow obsidian point.

Serrated ‘Scallron‘ point - Ohio Flintridge

Gunther ‘Ripper‘ point - Ohio Flintridge

January 2024 Updates from Steve Allely

Orange Montana agate point

Rainbow obsidian Crump Lk style point - 4in long

Pretty point made from Ohio flint t

Mexican Green Rainbow Obsidian - Wintu

December 2023 Updates from Steve Allely

Mookite Jasper Hohokam Point

November 2023 Updates from Steve Allely

SW side notched Gatlin point made out of a colorful piece of Ohio flint ridge material

Mexican rainbow point

October 2023 Updates from Steve Allely

Mexican rainbow obsidian Crump lake style point

Wintu point out of Oregon Sunset Jasper

Ohio Flint Ridge Serrated Point- side 2

Ohio Flint Ridge Serrated Point- side 1

Lost Lake Serrated point - Ohio Flintridge - stone side 2

Lost Lake Serrated point - Ohio Flintridge - stone side 1

July 2023 Updates from Steve Allely

Oregon Sunset Jasper

Calf Creek point

Northern CA Greena Sheen Obsidian Wintu Point

June 2023 Updates from Steve Allely

Mexican Green GRinbow Wintu for Woody Woodside!

March 2023 Updates from Steve Allely

Gunther point - Rogue River jasper

February 2023 Updates from Steve Allely

Wintu point out of the bottom of an old amber glass jug

Aussie Mook Jasper

Two Gunther barbed ones are from some very colorful Ohio flint ridge material and the center Wintu one with the red tip and back end is made out of Brazilian agate.

January 2023 Updates from Steve Allely

Replica Ishi arrow modeled very closely after one in the Hearst Museum that came from Ishi's secret hidden camp called Grizzly Bear's Hiding Place on Deer Creek in 1908

December 2022 Updates from Steve Allely

Columbia river style point - white banded jasper

Montana agate Wintu

Montana agate points

Corner notched Elko style dart point

November 2022 Updates from Steve Allely

Made for the 2023 Flintknapping Calendar published by McLean Design

July 2022 Updates from Steve Allely

7 1/2 inch yellow jasper knife based on a rare knife style blade from the Columbia River

Here is mine on the left next to an actual size color xerox of an original old one

Crazy Beautiful Moss Agate Columbia River style point

Columbia River points for a project. Most all are made out of local Columbia Plateau materials

Wenatchee Clovis replica on the left next to a cast of the largest original from the cache

Columbia River style knife done. Blade is jasper, set into haft slot with pitch and wrapped with two ply nettle cord.

Handle is yew wood, with classic Columbia River style faces

May 2022 Updates from Steve Allely

Big Blade

Serrated 3in SW style point

Quilomene Bar point, Red Oregon Jasper, milky translucent agate streak

March 2022 Updates from Steve Allely

20 Gunther barbed points

Red Moss Agate Columbia Point

February 2022 Updates from Steve Allely

Moss Agate Wintu Point 2

Moss Agate Wintu Point 1

March 2021 Updates from Steve Allely

Banded carnelian agate

Banded carnelian agate

February 2021 Updates from Steve Allely

Rawhide sheath, sinew sewn, painted with natural earth pigments,
and some rows of blue and white pony beads. The knife is chipped
out of Oregon sunset jasper, glued into a yew wood handle and lashed
with nettle fiber cordage like an old example I saw from the Columbia River.
I wanted this to be an example of something from the mid Columbia plateau cultures.
I'm happy with how it turned out.

Long Jasper Hohokam point

Side 1

Side 2

January 2021 Updates from Steve Allely

Right, Burns Green Obsidian - Left, Montana agate.

Freckled SW style point out of Montana Agate- to scale!

Agate Hohokam 4 1/4" long

The hollow based one is a close copy of a European Neolithic

Freckled SW style point out of Montana Agate

Right - Armorican point replica of a type found in Brittany. Left - Quartz crystal copy of a 3,000 BC one from Spain

First Points of the New Year 1-2-2021!

December 2020 Updates from Steve Allely

Imperial Green Jasper Gunther Barbed Point

Elk point - Exotic greenish splotched obsidian from NV

Burns green banded obsidian

Replica of a Tribute point from the Spiro mound site in Oklahoma

Flint Ridge Gunther Barbed Point. Christmas candy point!

Montana agate point with a streak of Hershey's chocolate syrup

Green Moss Agate Wintu Point

Ruby Red Glass Wintu style Point - 3 1/2"

Agate Point

SW Style Point - Agate w/blood red base, clear center, and an orange tip

Elko style point/Red Carnelian Agate w/blood drop in the middle

December 2020 Updates from Steve Allely

Ruby Red Glass Ishi Point

October 2020 Updates from Steve Allely

Montana Agate Side Notch Point

September 2020 Updates from Steve Allely

Rainbow Obsidian Crump Lake Style Northern Side Notch Point

Wintu point/Montana Agate - 1

Wintu point/Montana Agate - 2

Ohio Flint Ridge

August 2020 Updates from Steve Allely

Orange Montana Agate Gunther-Rogue Point

Mexican 'Spider Web' Obsidian Ishi Point

July 2020 Updates from Steve Allely

Armorican point - Ohio Flint Ridge Chert

Orange Montana Agate Serrated Gunther

Red Glass Serrated Wintu Point

Wintu Point - Mexican Spider Seb Obsidian

Apr 2020 Updates from Steve Allely

Top two are Flint Ridge - bottom Gunther, Green Jasper

Hohokam Point Red Aussie Mook Jasper

March 2020 Updates from Steve Allely

February 2020 Updates from Steve Allely

Agate Points

Two Gunther Barbed Ohio Flint Ridge - Center Wintu Red Rip/Base Brazilian agate.

Gunther Barbed Point - Flint Ridge Chert

'Mint Green' Slag Gass Ishi Point

Blueish Cahokia Point - Ohio Flintridge Chert

Flint Ridge Cahokia

January 2020 Updates from Steve Allely

Deep Notched Cahokia - Flint Ridge Chert

Wild Green-colored Flint Ridge Cahokia Serrated Point

Multi-colored Flint Ridge flint Cahokia style point

Opal Glass Wintu point

Red Mook Jasper - SW style point

San Adreas Point - Fault Line!

Davis Creek Electric Blue - Expanding Notch Shasha

Columbia River - Vendetta Point

Montana Agate - Desert Side Notch

World Championship Ishi Points - by Steve Allely

Winner - 2nd Annual World Ishi Notching Contest

Winner - 2nd Annual World Ishi Notching Contest

2nd Place - Annual World Ishi Notching Contest - Montana Moss Agate

3rd Place - Annual World Ishi Notching Contest - Burn's Green Obsidan

Art from 2011 by Steve Allely

12/01/2017 Update From Steve

"Some glass and obsidian exact copies of Ishi points that I've been making of late. Very tricky to get them exactly the same shape, size and notch depths along with all the irregularities of the original points. These are all diamond signed lest anyone think I'm trying to make counterfeits for the wrong reasons."

Steve surrounded by Knappers taking lessons, including Emory Coons, Terry Kramer, Jim Smith and Dana Anderson

Steve at Glass Buttes palying the bagpipes

Is it Art or  Artistry?

Deer taken by Steve Allely

Sinew backed juniper replica Ishi bow, Birch Dowel replica Ishi arrow with obsdian point - the type that Ishi made after he came out of the wilderenss, like those he made at the museum with PopeSingle lung shot - went 200 yards and dropped


Steve's Art

Winning Point - 2010 Western Lithics World Notching Contest

Ishi Point - Glass, Notch less than 1mm

More Outstanding Ishi Points

Burns Green Obsidian Ishi

Fire Opal Point (side one)

Fire Opal Point (side two)

Cahokia Points (San Andreas) and offset Norgaard Sunset Style

San Adreas Close-up - from a single piece of bi-color obsidian (NO - it is NOT glued)

Steve's Artistic Side - Cahokia points abstract

Of the four points below, the two Ishi/Winto style Points are Steves, the red point and the Mahogany Bird Point are the work of Dana Anderson - a self-taught knapper with 50 years experience.

Two Ishi Points, on left about 3" long, the long one is  about 12"

Both points owned by Cecil and Emory Coons

Bows, Arrows and Atlatls

Reed and Otter Quivers

Bows and Atlatl

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©2010 J Keffer