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Associated Dates: 3000 – 1500 Y.B.P.



Watts Cave

Associated Dates: 10000 – 8000 Y.B.P


General Description: rectangular knife; may be fluted



(referred to often though incorrectly as “Adena Waubesa”)

Associated Dates: 2100 – 1650 Y.B.P.


Description (by J.C. Floming, artifact News Online Newspaper, Arrowheadsplus dot com):

“The Waubesa point is thin to medium thick showing large percussion flakes with very fine secondary edge work. It has a contracting stem which is not ground. The blade is triangular and the widest area of the blade is at the shoulders which are often weakly barbed. This point type is often very colorful as it is most often made of heat treated cherts. It is found in northern Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, south eastern Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio and north eastern Oklahoma. It is attributed to the middle Woodland Hopewell culture (100BC to 350AD).”

WAUBESA POINT THUMBNAIL GALLERY (16 images: 8 source images/8 thumbnails)

Waubesa 1 Waubesa 2 Waubesa 3 Waubesa 4
Waubesa 5 Waubesa 6 Waubesa 7 Waubesa 8


ABOVE: WAUB01: Waubesa point. Source: Jonathan Floming, Arrowheadsplus dot comr

ABOVE: WAUB02: Waubesa point. Source: Jonathan Floming, Arrowheadsplus dot comr


ABOVE: WAUB03 AND WAUB04: Waubesa point; central Missouri; 1.18 inches (30mm). Source: Relicshack dot comr


ABOVE: WAUB05 AND WAUB06: Waubesa point; Logan Co., Illinois; 4.25 inches (107.9mm). Source: Relicshack dot comr


ABOVE: WAUB07 AND WAUB08: Waubesa point; Johnson Co., Missouri; 3.93 inches (99.8mm). Source: Relicshack dot comr

Wayland Notched

Associated Dates: 3000 – 1500 Y.B.P.


Wealth Blade

Associated Dates: 1200 – 50 Y.B.P.


General Description: ceremonial

Web Blade

Associated Dates: 1500 – 500 Y.B.P.


ABOVE: WEBBL01 AND WEBBL02: Web Blade; New Jersey; 3.875 inches (98.4mm). Source: www.penbrandt.com


Associated Dates: 3000 – 1500 Y.B.P.


Weeden Island

Associated Dates: 1700 B.P. -- 1000 B.P

Distribution:The Weeden Island Culture occupied the Tampa Bay region, Florida and southern areas of Georgia and Alabama.

The Weeden Island Culture was named by Dr. Jesse Fewkes of the Smithsonian Institution for the island site although Fewkes incorrectly spelled the latter “Weeden” instead of the proper “Weedon” or “Weedon’s” Island (both designations were in use).


WEEDEN ISLAND POINT THUMBNAIL GALLERY (28 images: 14 source images/14 thumbnails)

Weeden Island 1 Weeden Island 2 Weeden Island 3 Weeden Island 4
Weeden Island 5 Weeden Island 6 Weeden Island 7 Weeden Island 8
Weeden Island 9 Weeden Island 10 Weeden Island 11 Weeden Island 12
Weeden Island 13 Weeden Island 14



ABOVE: WEED01 AND WEED02: Weeden Island point; Marion Co., Florida; 1.875 inches (47.6mm). Source: Riversoftime dot comr


ABOVE: WEED03 AND WEED04: Weeden Island point; Marion Co., Florida; 2.0 inches (50.8mm). Source: Riversoftime dot comr


ABOVE: WEED05 AND WEED06: Weeden Island point; Marion Co., Florida; 1.38 inches (35mm). Source: Riversoftime dot comr


ABOVE: WEED07 AND WEED08: Weeden Island point; Hillsborough Co., Florida; 1.5 inches (38.1mm). Source: Paleoenterprises dot comr

ABOVE: ABOVE: WEED09: Weeden Island point; Pasco Co., Florida; 1.75 inches (44.4mm). Source: Riversoftime dot comr

ABOVE: WEED10: Weeden Island point; Pasco Co., Florida; 1.38 inches (35mm). Source: Riversoftime dot comr


ABOVE: WEED11 AND WEED12: Weeden Island point; Pasco Co., Florida; 1.38 inches (35mm). Source: Riversoftime dot comr


ABOVE, LEFT: WEED13: Weeden Island point; Hillsborough Co., Florida; 2.13 inches (54.1mm). Source: Riversoftime dot com ABOVE, RIGHT: WEED14: Weeden Island points; locations not provided. Source: AACA (aaca dot com) r


Associated Dates: 7000 – 6000 Y.B.P.

Distribution:The Weeden Island Culture occupied the Tampa Bay region, Florida and southern areas of Georgia and Alabama.

The Weeden Island Culture was named by Dr. Jesse Fewkes of the Smithsonian Institution for the island site although Fewkes incorrectly spelled the latter “Weeden” instead of the proper “Weedon” or “Weedon’s” Island (both designations were in use).


WELLS POINT THUMBNAIL GALLERY (38 images: 19 source images/19 thumbnails)

Wells 1 Wells 2 Wells 3 Wells 4
Wells 5 Wells 6 Wells 7 Wells 8
Wells 9 Wells 10 Wells 11 Wells 12
Wells 13 Wells 14


ABOVE: WELLS01: Wells point; Burnet Co., Texas; 3.5 inches (87.5mm)r

ABOVE: WELLS02: Wells point; central Texas; 2.31 inches (57.75mm); first of two views. Source: Premierartifacts dot comr

ABOVE: WELLS03: second of two views of Wells point described above. Source: Premierartifacts dot comr


ABOVE, LEFT: WELLS04: Wells point; Hood Co., Texas
ABOVE, RIGHT: WELLS05: Wells point; location not stated but probably Texas

ABOVE: WELLS06: Wells Point, from Cedar Creek Reservoir, Texasr


ABOVE: WELLS07 AND WELLS08: Wells point; Texasr

ABOVE: WELLS09: Wells point; 4.0 inches (100mm); location not givenr

ABOVE: WELLS10: Wells point; Coryell Co., Texas; 2.81 inches (70.25mm); first of two views. Source: Premierartifacts dot comr

ABOVE: WELLS11: second of two views of Wells point described above. Source: Premierartifacts dot comr

ABOVE: WELLS12: Wells point; Coryell Co., Texas; 2.68 inches (68mm); first of four views. Source: Roadrunnerartifacts dot comr

ABOVE: WELLS13: second of four views of Wells point described above in frame #12. Source: Roadrunnerartifacts dot comr

ABOVE: WELLS14: third of four views of Wells point described above in frame #12. Source: Roadrunnerartifacts dot comr

ABOVE: WELLS15: fourth of four views of Wells point described above in frame #12. Source: Roadrunnerartifacts dot comr

ABOVE: WELLS16: Wells point; McLennan Co., Texas; 3.625 inches (92mm); first of four views. Source: Roadrunnerartifacts dot comr

ABOVE: WELLS17: second of four views of Wells point described above in frame #16. Source: Roadrunnerartifacts dot comr

ABOVE: WELLS18: third of four views of Wells point described above in frame #16. Source: Roadrunnerartifacts dot comr

ABOVE: WELLS19: fourth of four views of Wells point described above in frame #16. Source: Roadrunnerartifacts r


Associated Dates: 7000 – 5000 Y.B.P


General Description: shoulder straight to upward-angled; shoulder edge square to absent

WENDOVER POINT THUMBNAIL GALLERY (18 images: 9 source images/9 thumbnails)

Wendover 1 Wendover 2 Wendover 3 Wendover 4
Wendover 5 Wendover 6 Wendover 7 Wendover 8
Wendover 9



ABOVE: WEND01 AND WEND02: Wendover point; 1.75 inches (43.75mm); shown actual size at leftr


ABOVE: WEND03 AND WEND04: Wendover point; 1.5 inches (37.5mm); shown actual size at leftr


ABOVE: WEND05 AND WEND06: Wendover point missing basal termination; 2.28 inches (57mm); shown actual size at left

ABOVE: WEND07: Wendover point; Malheur Basin, Harney Co., Oregon; 3.19 inches (79.75mm)r

ABOVE: WEND08: Wendover point; Lake Co., Oregon; Glass Buttes obsidian; first of two views. Source: Bcartifacts dot com

ABOVE: WEND09: second of two views of Wendover point described above. Source: Bcartifacts dot com


Associated Dates: 7500 – 5000 Y.B.P.


ABOVE, LEFT: WEST01: Westo point; north Florida
ABOVE, RIGHT: WEST02: Westo point; north Florida

ABOVE: WEST03: Westo point; north Florida


Associated Dates: 7500 – 5000 Y.B.P.


WHALE POINT THUMBNAIL GALLERY (6 images: 3 source images/3 thumbnails)

Whale 1 Whale 2 Whale 3


ABOVE: WHALE01 AND WHALE02: Whale point; Captain’s Cove, Unalaska Island; 2.59 inches (64.75mm); first two of three images. Source: Alaskanartifacts dot com

ABOVE: WHALE03: third of three views of Whale point described above in frame #01. Source: Alaskanartifacts dot com

************* End of Wateree to Whale - Completed *************

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