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Cache Creek

Associated Dates: 6000/5500 to possibly as recently as 3500 Y.B.P. (Justice, 2002)

Distribution: primarily northern California

ABOVE: CCREEK01: Cache Creek point; Churchill Co., Nevada. Source: www.westernartifacts.com

ABOVE: CCREEK02: Cache Creek point; Humboldt Co., Nevada. Source: www.westernartifacts.com

End of Cache Creek - Complete

Cache River
(Also known as “Kessel”)

Associated Dates: 10,000 – 8000 Y.B.P.


ABOVE: CACHE01: Cache River points; no details

CACHE RIVER POINT THUMBNAIL GALLERY (98 images: 49 source images/49 thumbnails)

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End of Cache River Thumbnails - Complete


ABOVE: CACHE02 AND CACHE03: Cache River point; southeast Missouri, 2.13 inches (53.25mm)



ABOVE: CACHE06 AND CACHE07: Cache River point; Stoddard Co., Missouri, 2.5 inches (62.5mm)

ABOVE: CACHE08: Cache River point; Cross Co., Arkansas; 3.4 inches (85mm)

ABOVE: CACHE09: Cache River point; Clay Co., Arkansas; 2.4 inches (60mm)


ABOVE, LEFT: CACHE10: Cache River point; Missouri; 2.6 inches (65mm)

ABOVE, LEFT: CACHE11: Cache River point; Greene Co., Arkansas; 2.13 inches (53.25mm)

ABOVE: CACHE12: Cache River point; Davies Co., Indiana; 2.28 inches (57mm)

ABOVE: CACHE13: Cache River point; Jackson Co., Arkansas; 2.16 inches (54mm)

ABOVE: CACHE14: Cache River point; Delaware Co., Indiana; 1.28 inches (32mm)

ABOVE: CACHE15: Cache River point; Clay Co., Arkansas; 1.8 inches (45mm)

ABOVE: CACHE16: Cache River point; Clay Co., Arkansas; 2.32 inches (58mm)

ABOVE: CACHE17: Cache River point; Burke Co., Missouri; 2.2 inches (55mm)

ABOVE: CACHE18: Cache River point preform; Jackson Co., Arkansas; 3.12 inches (78mm)

ABOVE: CACHE19: Cache River point; Jackson Co., Arkansas; 2.12 inches (53mm); Crowley’s Ridge chert

ABOVE: CACHE20: Cache River point; Boone Co., Arkansas; 2.32 inches (58mm); Pitkin chert

ABOVE: CACHE21: Cache River point; Greene Co., Arkansas; 2.52 inches (63mm); Crowley’s Ridge chert

ABOVE: CACHE22: Cache River point; Knox Co., Indiana; 2.75 inches (68.75mm); first of two images

ABOVE: CACHE23: second of two views of Cache River point described above

ABOVE: CACHE24: Cache River point; Clay Co., Arkansas; 2.63 inches (65.75mm)

ABOVE: CACHE25: Cache River point; Arkansas; 2.38 inches (59.5mm)

ABOVE: CACHE26: Cache River point; Clay Co., Arkansas; 2.0 inches (50mm); Crowley’s Ridge chert; first of two views. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com

ABOVE: CACHE27: second of two views of Cache River point described above; Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com

ABOVE: CACHE28: Cache River point; Logan Co., Arkansas; 1.75 inches (43.75mm); Novaculite; first of two views. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com

ABOVE: CACHE29: second of two views of Cache River point described above; Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com

ABOVE: CACHE30: Cache River point; no location; 1.88 inches (47mm); Crowley’s Ridge chert; first of two views. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com

ABOVE: CACHE31: second of two views of Cache River point described above. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com

ABOVE: CACHE32: Cache River point; northeast Arkansas; first of two views. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com

ABOVE: CACHE33: second of two views of Cache River point described above. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com

ABOVE: CACHE34: Cache River point; Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com

ABOVE: CACHE35: second of two views of Cache River point described above. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com

ABOVE: CACHE36: Cache River point; Clay Co., Oklahoma; 1.63 inches (41.4mm); Crowley’s Ridge chert; first of two views. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com

ABOVE: CACHE37: second of two views of Cache River point described above. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com

ABOVE: CACHE38: Cache River point; Benton Co., Tennessee; 2.63 inches (66.8mm); first of two views. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com

ABOVE: CACHE39: second of two views of Cache River point described above. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com


ABOVE: CACHE40 AND CACHE41: Cache River point; Clark Co., Indiana; 1.75 inches (44.4mm). Source: Relicshack dot com

ABOVE: CACHE42: Cache River point; no location stated; 2.13 inches (54.1mm); first of two views. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com

ABOVE: CACHE43: second of two views of Cache River point described above. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com

ABOVE: CACHE44: Cache River point (Perino COA); location not provided; 2.5 inches (63.5mm); first of two views. Source: Indianhutartifacts dot com

ABOVE: CACHE45: second of two views of Cache River point described above. Source: Indianhutartifacts dot com


ABOVE: CACHE46 AND CACHE47: Cache River point; Craig farm, Vermilion Co., Illinois; 2.63inches (66.8mm); first two of three views. Source: Starvedrockrelics dot com

ABOVE: CACHE48: third of three views of Cache River point described above in frame #46. Source: Starvedrockrelics dot com

ABOVE: CACHE49: Cache River points (described as “Kessell” at source); chert. Source: http://www.dhr.virginia.gov/

End of Cache River - 49 of 49 Complete

Cactus Hill

Associated Dates:15,000 – 12,000 Y.B.P.

Caddoan Blade

Associated Dates:800 – 600 Y.B.P.


CADDOAN BLADE THUMBNAIL GALLERY (4 images: 2 source images/2 thumbnails)

Caddoan Blade 1 Caddoan Blade 2

ABOVE: CAD01: Caddo Blade; Arkansas; Peoria chert. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com

ABOVE: CAD02: Caddo Blade; Bowie Co., Texas; 6.63 inches long (165.75mm) x 0.31 inch (7.75mm) thick;Edwards Plateau chert (shown here approximately 1.25 x actual size). Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com


Associated Dates:1000 – 500 Y.B.P


ABOVE, MIDDLE: CAHOKIA01: Cahokia point, tri-notch; from Mound 72, Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, Illinois; one of approximately 1200 points found in three separate caches.

This side notched triangular Arrow point has straight sides and a straight to slightly concave basal edge. A few may have slightly convex basal edges. In addition to the side notches, it may have a basal notch or secondary notches on the blade, usually just above the primary notches, or it may be serrated. Points with two or three notches are most common.

The Cahokia point was named by Edward G.Scully for the Cahokia Site in St. Clair and Madison Counties in Illinois.

Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin, and Iowa. A few were found at Spiro mounds in Oklahoma, brought there by visitors and traders from Cahokia.

CAHOKIA POINT THUMBNAIL GALLERY (94 images: 47 source images/47 thumbnails)

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End of Cahokia Thumbnails - Complete


ABOVE, LEFT: CAHOKIA02: Un-notched Cahokia point; Kaolin chert
ABOVE, MIDDLE: CAHOKIA03: Tri-Notched Cahokia point
ABOVE, RIGHT: CAHOKIA04: Tri-Notched Cahokia point
(All three points above are casts from Lithic Casting Lab www.lithiccastinglab.com of some of the approximately 1200 points found in three separate caches at Mound 72, Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, Illinois. According to LCL, 12 different styles of Cahokia point were found in the caches.)


ABOVE, LEFT: CAHOKIA05: Cahokia point, double-notched type. Source: Illinois State Museum
ABOVE, RIGHT: CAHOKIA06: Cahokia Mound 72 point, tri-notch Cahokia. Source: Illinois State Museum

ABOVE, LEFT: CAHOKIA07: Cahokia Mound 72 point. Source: Illinois State Museum

ABOVE: CAHOKIA08: Cahokia points believed to mimic shark’s teeth; found on or in vicinity of Cahokia Mounds Historic Site, Illinois. Two at right are made of bone and considered rare. According to the source, Lithic Casting Lab, only 24-36 are known to exist

ABOVE: CAHOKIA09: centre is the Birdman Tablet found on the east ramp of Monks Mound at Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, Illinois. All the points surrounding the tablet are Cahokia points. Source: Pete Bostrom, Lithic Casting Lab

ABOVE: CAHOKIA10: Cahokia points assemblage, the majority excavated at Mound 72, Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, Illinois. Included here to show the diversity of form and material. Sandy-beige points are rare bone types. Source: Lithic Casting Lab

ABOVE: CAHOKIA11: Shark-tooth-imitating form of Cahokia point; form is described by the source, Lithic Casting Lab, as, in effect, a Madison point (also Mississippian Culture) with extreme basal indentation and uncharacteristic serrated blade. It is further noted that the majority of points found at Cahokia Mounds are Madisons – but neither serrated nor basally indented like this EXCEPT in cache discoveries. Whether this should be described then as a form of Madison or a distinct type made for some ceremonial cache purpose is unknown at this point. Location: Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, Illinois

ABOVE: CAHOKIA12: Cahokia points from Mound 72, Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, Illinois. No two are truly alike. Source: Lithic Casting Lab


ABOVE: CAHOKIA13 AND CAHOKIA14: Cahokia point; found near Kincaid Mounds, Pope Co., southern Illinois; 1.63 inches (40.75mm)

ABOVE: CAHOKIA15: un-notched Cahokia point (left); tri-notch Cahokia point (top); and double-notch Cahokia point (bottom right); location: “east-central U.S.”


ABOVE, L-R: CAHOKIA16 AND CAHOKIA17: serrated Cahokia point at top considered a whole point; base and medial portion of bottom Cahokia point is apparently a tri-notch form; Cole Co., Missouri


ABOVE: CAHOKIA18 AND CAHOKIA19: Cahokia point; found near the Kincaid Mounds Site, Illinois; 1.25 inches (31.25mm)


ABOVE: CAHOKIA20 AND CAHOKIA21: Cahokia point; Randolph Co., Missouri; 1.13 inches (28.25mm)


ABOVE: CAHOKIA22 AND CAHOKIA23: Cahokia point with unusual notching pattern; Boone Co., Missouri; 1.13 inches (28.25mm)


ABOVE: CAHOKIA24 AND CAHOKIA25: Cahokia point; Madison Co., Illinois; 1.13 inches (28.25mm)

ABOVE: CAHOKIA26: Cahokia point, double-notched type; Cahokia Mounds environs, Illinois; Burlington chert. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com

ABOVE: CAHOKIA27: Cahokia point, tri-notched; Monroe Co., Illinois; 1.13 inches (28.25mm); Kaolin flint; first of two images. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com

ABOVE: CAHOKIA28: second of two views of Cahokia point, tri-notched, described above. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com

ABOVE: CAHOKIA29: Cahokia point, tri-notched; Monroe Co., Illinois; 1.0 inch (25mm); first of two images. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com

ABOVE: CAHOKIA30: second of two views of Cahokia point, tri-notched, described above. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com

ABOVE: CAHOKIA31: Cahokia point; Cahokia, illinois; 1.19 inches (29.75mm); Burlington chert; first of two images. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com

ABOVE: CAHOKIA32: second of two views of Cahokia point, tri-notched, described above. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com

ABOVE: CAHOKIA33: Cahokia point; 1.38 inches (35mm); Sonora chert; first of two views. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com

ABOVE: CAHOKIA34: second of two views of Cahokia point described above. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com

ABOVE: CAHOKIA35: Cahokia point, known as the Ed Rouch Cahokia point (and one of the famous “gem” Cahokia points); the former Ed Rouch Farm, now part of Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, Illinois; slightly over 0.8 inch (21mm); Kaolin chert. Source: Pete Bostrom, Lithic Casting Lab

ABOVE: CAHOKIA36: Cahokia point (and one of the famous “gem” Cahokia points); Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, Madison and St. Clair Co.’s, Illinois; 1.18 inches (30mm); Kaolin chert. Source: Pete Bostrom, Lithic Casting Lab

ABOVE: CAHOKIA37: Cahokia point, known as the “Higgins Cahokia point” (and one of the famous “gem” Cahokia points); Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, Madison and St. Clair Co.’s, Illinois; 1.3 inches (33mm); Kaolin chert. Source: Pete Bostrom, Lithic Casting Lab

ABOVE: CAHOKIA38: Cahokia “gem” points (including the “Higgins Cahokia point,” middle top and the Ed Rouch Cahokia point” bottom row, middle); Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, Madison and St. Clair Co.’s, Illinois. Source: Pete Bostrom, Lithic Casting Lab

ABOVE: CAHOKIA39: Cahokia “gem” point; Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, Madison and St. Clair Co.’s, Illinois; 1.25 inches (32mm); Kaolin chert. Source: Pete Bostrom, Lithic Casting Lab

ABOVE: CAHOKIA40: Cahokia “gem” point found by Greg Perino; Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, Madison and St. Clair Co.’s, Illinois; 1.4 inches (37mm); Kaolin chert. Source: Pete Bostrom, Lithic Casting Lab

ABOVE: CAHOKIA41: Cahokia “gem” point possibly found by Joe Walta; Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, Madison and St. Clair Co.’s, Illinois; 1.13 inches (28mm); Kaolin chert. Source: Pete Bostrom, Lithic Casting Lab

ABOVE: CAHOKIA42: regarded as 16 of the “finest” Cahokia “gem” points according to Pete Bostrom; Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, Madison and St. Clair Co.’s, Illinois; largest is 1.75 inches (44mm); Kaolin chert. Source: Pete Bostrom, Lithic Casting Lab

ABOVE: CAHOKIA43: a triple-notched Cahokia point described by Pete Bostrom as one of the “rarest and the most complicated point designs”…at Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, Madison and St. Clair Co.’s, Illinois; 1.25 inches (32mm); Kaolin chert. Source: Pete Bostrom, Lithic Casting Lab


ABOVE: CAHOKIA44 AND CAHOKIA45: two double-notched Cahokia point examples; Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, Madison and St. Clair Co.’s, Illinois; one on left is 1.4 inches (37mm). Source: Pete Bostrom, Lithic Casting Lab

ABOVE: CAHOKIA46: Cahokia points, more “typical” examples of the Cahokia Mounds points than the superb “gem” examples preceding; Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, Madison and St. Clair Co.’s, Illinois; Burlington chert. Source: Pete Bostrom, Lithic Casting Lab (lithiccastinglab dot com)

ABOVE: CAHOKIA47: Cahokia point; 1.5 inches (38.1mm); Kaolin chert. From the private collection of Chris Merriam, www.arrowheadsonline.com

End of Cahokia - Complete

End of Cache Creek to Cahokia - Complete

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