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Associated Dates: 1200 – 600 Y.B.P.


BONHAM POINT THUMBNAIL GALLERY (14 images: 7 source images/7 thumbnails)

Bonham 1 Bonham 2 Bonham 3
Bonham 4 Bonham 5 Bonham 6
Bonham 7


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ABOVE, LEFT: BONH01 AND BONH02: Bonham point; Titus Co., Texas; 1.5 inches (37.5mm)
ABOVE, RIGHT: BONH03: Bonham points, Texas; no other details)


ABOVE, LEFT: BONH04: Bonham point; Denton Co., Texas)
ABOVE, RIGHT: BONH05: Bonham point; Pike Co., Arkansas; 1.08 inches (27mm)

ABOVE: BONH06: Bonham point; eastern Texas or Louisiana; 1.5 inches (37.5mm); first of two images. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com)

ABOVE: BONH07: second of two views of Bonham point described above. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com)

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Bonito Notched

Associated Dates: 1000 – 800 Y.B.P.


BONITO POINT THUMBNAIL GALLERY (26 images: 13 source images/13 thumbnails)

Bonito Notched 1 Bonito Notched 2 Bonito Notched 3 Bonito Notched 4
Bonito Notched 5 Bonito Notched 6 Bonito Notched 7 Bonito Notched 8
Bonito Notched 9 Bonito Notched 10 Bonito Notched 11 Bonito Notched 12
Bonito Notched 13

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ABOVE: BONIT01 AND BONIT02: Bonito Notched point; San Juan Co., New Mexico; 1.875 inches (47.6mm); agate. Source: Swartifacts dot com)


ABOVE, LEFT: BONIT03 AND BONIT04: Bonito Notched point; San Juan Co., New Mexico; 1.2 inches (31mm); agatized wood. Source: Swartifacts dot com)
ABOVE, RIGHT: BONIT05 AND BONIT06: Bonito Notched point; San Juan Co., New Mexico; 1.13 inches (28.7mm). Source: Swartifacts dot com)


ABOVE: BONIT07 AND BONIT08: Bonito Notched point; San Juan Co., New Mexico; 1.0 inch (25.4mm). Source: Swartifacts dot com)

ABOVE: BONIT09: Bonito Notched point; northwest New Mexico; 1.5 inches (38.1mm); first of three views. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com)

ABOVE: BONIT10: second of three views of Bonito Notched point described above. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com)

ABOVE: BONIT11: third of three views of Bonito Notched point described above. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com)


ABOVE: BONIT12 AND BONIT13: Bonito Notched point; San Juan Co., New Mexico; 1.0 inch (25.4mm). Source: Tony Wright, Arrowheads dot com)

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Borax Lake Wide Stemmed

Associated Dates: 8000 – 3000 Y.B.P. (NOTE: the University of Indiana assigns a date range of "greater than 4500 years" to this point form)


Distribution: Lake County, Oregon "and surrounding regions" according to the University of Indiana

General Description: "…large and thick; stems generally squared and nearly as thick as the blade." – U. of Indiana


ABOVE: BORAX01 AND BORAX02: Borax Wide Stemmed point; no specific location and no size given

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Bottle Neck (Benton)
(see "Benton, Bottleneck")

Bottle Neck (Table Rock)
(see "Table Rock")


Associated Dates: 2000 – 800 Y.B.P.


Distribution: Lake County, Oregon "and surrounding regions" according to the University of Indiana

General Description: "…large and thick; stems generally squared and nearly as thick as the blade." – U. of Indiana


ABOVE: BRAD01 AND BRAD02: Bradford point; Pasco Co., Florida

ABOVE: BRAD03: Bradford point; Gilchrist Co., Florida

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Bradley Spike

Associated Dates: 4000 – 1800 Y.B.P.


ABOVE: BRADLEY01: Bradley Spike point; no location; 2.5 inches (63.5mm). Source: Arrowheadhunters dot com

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Brannon Side-Notched

Associated Dates: More Info Needed

BRANNON SIDE-NOTCHED POINT IMAGE GALLERY (14 images: 7 source images/7 thumbnails)

Brannon Side Notched 1 Brannon Side Notched 2 Brannon Side Notched 3
Brannon Side Notched 4 Brannon Side Notched 5 Brannon Side Notched 6
Brannon Side Notched 7


End of Brannon Side Notched Thumbnails - Complete

ABOVE: BRANN01: Brannon Side-Notched point; Clark Co., Iowa; 3.19 inches (79.75mm); first of five images

ABOVE: BRANN02: second view of Brannon Side-Notched point described in frame #01

ABOVE: BRANN03: third view of Brannon Side-Notched point described in frame #01

ABOVE: BRANN04: fourth view of Brannon Side-Notched point described in frame #01

ABOVE: BRANN05: fifth of five views of Brannon Side-Notched point described in frame #01

ABOVE: BRANN06: Brannon Side-Notched drill (identified by Greg Perino); southwest Missouri; Strawberry chert; 3.38 inches (85.8mm); first of two views. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com

ABOVE: BRANN07: second of two views of Side-Notched Brannon drill described above. Source: Chris Merriam, Arrowheadsonline dot com

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(see “Darl Stemmed;” name change)

Brazos Fishtail
(see “Rodgers Side Hollow”)

Brewerton Corner Notched
(Also known as "Freeheley")

Associated Dates: 6000 – 4000 Y.B.P.


ABOVE: BREWCN01: Brewerton Corner Notched point variants. Source: London Chapter, Ontario Archaeological Society

BREWERTON CORNER NOTCHED POINT THUMBNAIL GALLERY (40 images: 20 source images/20 thumbnails)

Brewerton Corner Notched 1 Brewerton Corner Notched 2 Brewerton Corner Notched 3
Brewerton Corner Notched 4 Brewerton Corner Notched 5 Brewerton Corner Notched 6
Brewerton Corner Notched 7 Brewerton Corner Notched 8 Brewerton Corner Notched 9
Brewerton Corner Notched 10 Brewerton Corner Notched 11 Brewerton Corner Notched 12
Brewerton Corner Notched 13 Brewerton Corner Notched 14 Brewerton Corner Notched 15
Brewerton Corner Notched 16 Brewerton Corner Notched 17 Brewerton Corner Notched 18
Brewerton Corner Notched 19 Brewerton Corner Notched 20

End of Brewerton Corner Notched Thumbnails - Complete


ABOVE: BREWCN02 AND BREWCN03: Brewerton Corner Notched point; no other details

ABOVE: BREWCN04: Brewerton Corner Notched points

ABOVE: BREWCN05: Brewerton Corner Notched point; Berks Co., Pennsylvania; 1.5 inches (38.1mm); jasper



ABOVE: BREWCN06 AND BREWCN07: Brewerton Corner Notched point; French Creek, Erie Co., Pennsylvania; 1.75 inches (44.4mm); Onondaga chert


ABOVE: BREWCN08 AND BREWCN09: Brewerton Corner Notched point; Hampshire Co., West Virginia; 2.25 inches (56.25mm)


ABOVE: BREWCN10 AND BREWCN11: Brewerton Corner Notched point; Stoddard Co., Missouri; 1.13 inches (28.7mm); Burlington chert


ABOVE: BREWCN12 AND BREWCN13: Brewerton Corner Notched point; Hampshire Co., West Virginia; 1.75 inches (44.4mm); chert. Source: Relicman2


ABOVE: BREWCN14 AND BREWCN15: Brewerton Corner Notched point; Ontario (possibly York Co.), Canada; 1.7 inches (44mm). Source: Royal Ontario Museum

ABOVE: BREWCN16: Brewerton Corner Notched point; Montgomery Co., Pennsylvania; 2.18 inches (55.3mm); quartzite; first of two views. Source: Whalens-artifacts dot com

ABOVE: BREWCN17: second of two views of Brewerton Corner Notched point described above. Source: Whalens-artifacts dot com

ABOVE: BREWCN18: Brewerton Corner Notched point; Livingston Co., New York; 1.875 inches (47.6mm); first of three views. Source: Whalens-artifacts dot com

ABOVE: BREWCN19: second of three views of Brewerton Corner Notched point described above in frame #18. Source: Whalens-artifacts dot com

ABOVE: BREWCN20: third of three views of Brewerton Corner Notched point described above in frame #18. Source: Whalens-artifacts dot com

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Brewerton Eared

Associated Dates: 6000 – 4000 Y.B.P.


ABOVE: BREWE01 AND BREWE02: Brewerton Eared point; Oxford Co., Ontario, Canada. Source: Royal Ontario Museum

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Brewerton Eared Triangle

Associated Dates: 6000 - 4000 Y.B.P. - Middle to Late Archaic

Also See: Autauga, Brewerton Eared-Notched, Kittatinny, Steubenville Stemmed (aka Fox Creek), Stubby Shallow Side Notched, Salt River Side Notched, Yadkin Eared

Location: Eastern to Midwestern United States



General Description: The Brewerton Eared Triangle is one of four types in the Brewerton family of points. The Brewerton Eared Triangle is a small to medium sized, relatively thin, isosceles triangular bladed point with excurvate blade edges. It has no true stem but very slight indentations which resemble side notches that are just above small extending ears or auricles. The ears are usually well knapped in a delicately chipped manner and extend beyond the base. The base is usually concave and may be ground. When the point is held with the distal end pointing down the overall outline resembles a cow's head.

The Brewerton Eared Triangle is a minority or rare member of the Brewerton family comprising only 5.3% of the total point series recovered from the Robbinson site. Ritchie suggests that the type integrates well with the Brewerton Eared-Notched type and may have developed from it. Most examples from the original Brewerton sites are made of local flints, carefully knapped by pressure flaking techniques. In southern New England the point can be made from local materials such as quartz, slate and siltstone.

The Brewerton Eared Triangle is not commonly found and is rather a rare point in typical assemblages. However its primary distribution area is in New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. It is possibly found in very rare occurrences in Ohio, Indiana, Virginia, Kentucky, West Virginia and eastern Illinois.

The size of the Brewerton Eared Triangle point can range from 22 mm to 55 mm in length with the typical point being in the 27 mm to 38 mm range. The point is usually one-half to two times as long as it is wide. Average thickness is 6 mm. The Brewerton Eared Triangle was named by William A. Ritchie for specimens found at the type sites in Brewerton, Oswego County, New York.

ABOVE: BREWET01: Brewerton Eared Triangle point; see below for description

About The Point Above: The beautiful and large Brewerton Eared Triangle point pictured was a surface find in a creek bed near the town of Pittsfield, Berkshire County, Massachusetts. It is made from a glossy dark grayish flint material which has much lighter colored gray mottled inclusions. It has been finely flaked and is thin for its size. The edges are quite sharp and the point is highly patinated. The basal area is ground as are the ears or auricles and the areas just above the auricles. Overall, the point measures 49 mm in length, is 34 mm wide (at the auricles) and is only 6 mm thick. The blade measures 28 mm in width. The concavity of the base is 4.5 mm in depth. (TEXT SOURCE: Art Gumbus, Lithics-Net)

ABOVE: BREWET02: Brewerton Eared Triangle point; Huntingburg, Indiana; 1.0 inch (25.4mm)


ABOVE: BREWET03 AND BREWET04: Brewerton Eared Triangle point; Ontario Co., New York; 1.25 inches (31.7mm); first two of three views. Source: Whalens-artifacts dot com

ABOVE: BREWET05: third of three views of Brewerton Eared Triangle point described above in frame #03. Source: Whalens-artifacts dot com

End of Brewerton Eared Triangle - Complete

Brewerton Side-Notched

Associated Dates: 6000 – 4000 Y.B.P.


ABOVE: BREWCN01: Brewerton Side Notched point variants. Source: London Chapter, Ontario Archaeological Society

BREWERTON CORNER NOTCHED POINT THUMBNAIL GALLERY (40 images: 20 source images/20 thumbnails)

Brewerton Side Notched 1 Brewerton Side Notched 2 Brewerton Side Notched 3
Brewerton Side Notched 4 Brewerton Side Notched 5 Brewerton Side Notched 6
Brewerton Side Notched 7 Brewerton Side Notched 8 Brewerton Side Notched 9
Brewerton Side Notched 10 Brewerton Side Notched 11 Brewerton Side Notched 12
Brewerton Side Notched 13 Brewerton Side Notched 14 Brewerton Side Notched 15
Brewerton Side Notched 16 Brewerton Side Notched 17 Brewerton Side Notched 18
Brewerton Side Notched 19 Brewerton Side Notched 20

End of Brewerton Side Notched Thumbnails - Complete







End of Brewerton Side Notched - Complete

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