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Knapping Artwork by Richard 'Yukon Dick' Kocan

Paleo Art - Harpoons, Fishhooks, Metates, etc.

August 2020 Update from Dick Kocan

Newest Art from Yukon Dick - 11/08/16

The Australian 'Abo' Series

Following a trip to the Australia Outback in 2015, Yukon Dick created some replicas of some of the Aboriginal tools he saw!

Newest Art from Yukon Dick - 1/21/16

Obsidian Knive - 9" overall length

Birch bark sheath, Doug fir handle, cedar root lashing and pinion pine pitch adhesive.


10 foot salmon spear

Black spruce main shaft, maple fork, deer bone barbs, cedar bark and cedar root wrapping, pitch/charcoal glue, clear pitch waterproofing.


Magic End!




Calendar Points

Ulu and Harpoon Points

Texas Flint Blade - Bark Handle

Matched Wolf Jaw Knives

Matched Bear Jaw Knives


Various Media Points Knives

Bent wood (Yew) cod hooks with cedar root lashing. Cordage is Elephant Foot leave Genus/species - Beaucarnea recurvata

Trolling hooks: salt cedar shank, cedar root lashing. Barb (top) deer bone, (bottom) shark fin spine glued with pine pitch. Cordage is Elephant Foot leave

New 3/13/2012

Native Fish  Traps

Yukon Dick, along with Jerry '9-Fingers' Calvert, keeping busy while wintering in Arizona!




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