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2012 Tri-Cities Knap-in Report
Greg Greger, the oldest member of the PSK at 89, hosted the Tri-Cities Knap-in at Howard Amon Park over the Memorial Day weekend. While not a large turnout by PSK standards (probably because another PSK Knap-in, Illahee Flats started at the same time), it was nevertheless a great time! Having a Knap-in at the Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA turned out to be a great ideal. Richland, WA, along with Pasco and Kennewick make up the 'Tri-Cities', three small cities that are located at the confluence of the Columbia, Yakima and Snake Rivers. These cities grew up around the Hanford Nuclear Reservation back in the 1940/50s when Hanford was building nuclear reactors and processing uranium into plutonium. The Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA is located on the banks of the Columbia River just north of where the two other rivers enter the Columbia. The weather was great, lots of public access and plenty of room for knapping. We were so busy knapping and demonstrating knapping to the public that we didn't get much of an opportunity to take a lot of photos. In fact much of our time was spent teaching youngsters to knap - along with half dozen or so adults! Lots of people stopped by to watch and ask questions and kept us busy the entire three days! Still we were able to get some photos - including some of a very unique display of points from Saudi Arabia! (scroll to bottom of page) Setting up the knap-in site - tarps were used to make policing the debitage easy
Host Greg Greger (center) and co-hosts Frank Olmsted (left) and Marvin Barger (right)
Jim Keffer teaching some youngsters the basics of percussion knapping
And some 'oldsters' asa well!
A different kind of tool for edge work showed up
Douglas Macomber, who spent some time in Saudia Arabia working in the Oil Industry, stopped by to show us some of the artifacts he collected while there. These are points him and his wife collect on weekends out in the desert (Wadis)