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Notice to Washington Rock Collectors


The Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife is proposing to outlaw collecting of rock and surface artifacts on lands under their supervision.


" Enforcement Program Deputy Chief Mike Cenci, proposing amendments to WAC 232-12-251  Removal of minerals, wood and artifacts from department lands"


The amendment:



Revised Code of  Washington


Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 232-12-251



Removal of minerals, wood and artifacts from department lands.


  It is unlawful to remove petrified wood, minerals, fossils, wood products or artifacts from department lands unless such removal is authorized by the director.



This would effectively stop rock collecting in state lands as well as collecting arrowheads found on the surface. 


RCW 27.53.060 Specific Exception - (5) The provisions of this section shall not apply to the removal of artifacts found exposed on the surface of the ground which are not historic archaeological resources or sites.


Governor Chris Gregoire - http://www.governor.wa.gov/contact/default.asp

Your State Legislator - http://apps.leg.wa.gov/districtfinder/default.aspx

WDFW Commission - commission@dfw.wa.gov



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