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Ice Age Adventures Knap-in


We've been invited to demonstrate flintknapping at the Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center for their annual 'Ice Age Adventure' event October 12th - 15th, 2011.  The flintknapping activity will be in the park near the museum. The address for the museum is 127 S. Mission St. Centennial Park is directly east and borders the museum property

This event will be attended by about 600 fifth and sixth graders in groups of 15.  The schedule is from 9:00 am to 2:00 each day.


Camping is available at the Confluence State Park in Wenatchee.  There are showers and hookups.  Selina Danko, Education Coordinator for the museum, has offered to reimburse some volunteers for the cost camping in the park - save your receipts!  However, the museum has very limited in funds so only a couple of campers for a couple of nights will be reimbursed.  Call ahead if you need to be reimbursed and verify that the museum will be able to reimburse you.


For more information contact me at   

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