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Pacific Crest Montessori Knapping Class Report

Sammamish, WA January 18, - April 26, 2019

Hosts - Jim Keffer and Joe Higgins

January through April the PSK hosted flintknapping classes for students of the Pacific Crest Montessori School, here are a few photos we managed to take when not knapping. Many thanks to all the knappers that helped out - Barry Bonnell, Max Grow, Joe Higgins and others! They were, as with all Montessori students, highly motivated, energetic, and attentive. They learned quickly and each was able to produce and more than adequate bi-face! They wouldn't even take the time out for a restroom break!

January 18th, 2019

April 2019

April 5th

April 26th

April 19th

April 19th

April 19th

April 19th

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