2016 Puget Sound Knappers Event Schedule
PSK Sponsored Events*
2016 Granite Falls Winter Break Knap-in February 6 th (first Saturday in February)Cancelled
**NEW*** Cabelas Lacey Store Knap-in - February 27th and 28th
2016 Glass Buttes Knap-in March 19th- 27th
***NEW*** 2016 Dallesport, Washington Knap-in April 22th - 26th
***NEW*** 2016 Mick Hill's Big Blade Class - April 30th, Sammamish, WA
**NEW*** Cabelas Springfield Store Knap-in - April 30th and May 1st
2016 Yakima Canyon (Spring) Knap-in May 20th - May 23rd
2016 Tri-Cities Knap-in May 28th - 29th
2016 Bitterroot Valley Knap-in June 16th - 21st
**NEW*** Cabelas Springfield Store Knap-in - July 9th
2016 Legends and Legacies Knap-in at Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, Canada July 15th - 18th
2016 Fort Knapadonia Knap-in August 22nd - 28th
2016 Sammamish Knap-in September 2nd- 4th
2016 Canadian Whoop-up Knap-in September 2nd - 5th
*** NEW and SPECIAL*** 2016 Sacajawea Heritage Days Knap-in September 23rd - 24th
2016 Millersylvania Turkeyfest Knap-in November 5th - 6th
PSK Sponsored events are hosted by PSK members and must meet certain criteria - see PSK Knap-in Best Practices Guide
Non-PSK Events
2016 Peninsula Long Rifles - Rendezvous July 21st - 24th
2016 Clallam County Rock and Gem Show Dates Pending
2016 Cabelas Springfield, OR Knap-in Dates Pending
** Non-PSK sponsored events are those where the PSK is not the primary host. However for the PSK to participate many of the criteria for a PSK event still apply - especially those concerning safety. See PSK Knap-in Best Practices Guide for more information.