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2014 Kabuki Fundraiser Raffle Report


!!!!  JIM SMITH - 1607  !!!!

(photos courtesy of Bettye Hensel, Joe Greenwell and Joe Higgins)

For anyone that doesn’t know Jim, and that can’t be too many, he is one of the most committed supporters of the Puget Sound Knappers. A member for over 20 years, Jim has probably attended more annual PSK knap-in than any other member and currently attends two weekly knap-ins almost every week of the year! He has participated in countless demos – from schools to museums, and can always be counted on to support the PSK and flintknapping community at large. Jim not only donated two fine points to this Kabuki Fundraiser but he also purchased $100 worth of tickets.

You can find more about Jim and his involvement in the Puget Sound Knappers and the flintknapping community in gerneral by simply visiting the Event section of the PSK website.  Jim can be seen at almost every knap-in and at many, if not most of the volunteer events.  

Congratulations Jim - couldn't happen to more deserving knapper!

Attending the BIG EVENT!

Joe Higgins Bob Bower
Jim Keffer Jim Smith
Dave Walton Eli Walton
Terry Grove Bettye Hensel
Joe Greenwell Vallie Eicstedt
Jack Locke Chip Batchellor
Janet Tipping Barry Bonnell
Dick Dickenson Woody Wooside

Making the presentation - Jim Keffer

Jim's friends watching the presentation

Fun'a\s over - Back to Business - Flintknapping!

What he won:

Barney DeSimone – Sunset Jasper Point
Bob Bower – Midnight Lace Point
Bruce Goulette – Obsidian Eccentric/Turtle
Dana Anderson
     Rainbow Obsidian Point
     Pumpkin Obsidian Winged Point
Dave Rauschenberg
     Mt Moss Agate Point
     Dacite Point
     Display Case of Points
Dick Kocan - Midnight Lace Obsidian Point
Jim Hopper – Piute Agate Wintu Point
Jim Miller
     Burlington Clovis
     Hixton Quartzite Drill Point
     Brazilian Agate Blade
Jim Smith
     Midnight Lace Obsidian Point
     Black Butter Obsidian Point
Joe Higgins – Purple Obsidian Point
Mick Hill – Blue Spiderweb Obsidian Point
Ray Harwood– Translucent Black Obsidian Wintu
Steve Allely– Montana Agate Point
Tim Evans
     Pumpkin Obsidian Point
     Keokuk Point
Tim Severn– Bullseye Jasper Point
Webb Hammond– Blue Glass Point
Woody Woodside – Snowflake Obsidian Point


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