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We manufacture replica projectile points & tools used in prehistoric times”.


All General public and out of state knappers welcome

Prize for longest distance traveled knapper.

Sponsored  by (Host)--- Ray Alt-223-1929- (rayalt@wispwest.net)

George Bryce -223-8144-(georgebryce@bresnan.net) ,and the Yellowstone Gateway Museum.

DATE- May -18-19--2013

Location-Yellowstone Gateway Museum.

               118 Chinook St. Livingston Montana- 59047

Directions: From interstate I-90 to down town (on Park street) turn north on 5th street, cross rail road track on 5 street  and go 2 blocks to Chinook street (North), turn right on Chinook (East) and go 3 blocks. Museum is on North side of street


Activity Schedule

Saturday- 9:00 AM- 6:00 PM

                Open knapping all day-- Free lessons for beginners.

                 2 inch goat game -11:00 AM

                 10 speed game    -12:00 Noon

                  Pot luck lunch     -1:00 PM--Main course is pulled pork.

                       Please bring side dish for pot luck.

                  T-shirt drawing    -2:30 PM-- (knappers only) Sign in register required.

                  Auction - 4:00 PM

Sunday- 9:00 AM-1:00 PM

Activity-  Open knapping

               2 inch goat game    -11:00 AM

               10 speed game       -12:00 PM

Donations appreciated from knappers and others to cover expenses (food,drinks and T- shirts). 

 Any funds over expenses will be donated to the Yellowstone Gateway Museum.  Will have some great items to auction!!!


General information:

Camping information: We can accommodate 3-4 trailers and or tent camping at our place of resident.(Please contact us) There is also a R V camp ground within 3 miles. (Olson’s R V) about a mile South of Livingston toward Yellowstone Park (highway 89).

Bring your knapping chair and table if you wish to sell or display your items.


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©2010 J Keffer