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2013 Glass Butte Gathering, Glass Butte, Oregon, March 23rd through March 31, 2013

Take Special Note – The timing of the annual Glass Buttes Knap-in corresponds to the Oregon Schools Spring Break Calendar.  In 2013 this is the LAST WEEK in MARCH!


Second Special Note and Reminder – The Glass Buttes Knap-in is held on Federal Land managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).  The BLM does not permit commercial activity or organized events.  This is an informal gathering of people with a common interest.  As a condition of using the Glass Buttes area the knappers provide sanitation facilities (Porta-Potties).  The cost of these Porta-Potties is not insignificant and historically,one or two knappers have gone out on a limb and spent their own money up front to rent them.  Donations from those attending will help insure that we will be able to meet our commitments to provide sanitation facilities and keep in the good graces of the BLM!  Donations are absolutely voluntary but please donate if you can.  And pack out your trash!

And Come PREPARED!   While two of the last three years have seen moderate to good weather, those of us at the 2011 GB Knap-in experienced some tough conditions.  Not bad enough to keep away the hardiest of the knappers but tough nevertheless!  

As always it will be primitive camping – bring what you’ll need and plan to pack it out as well.  Porta-Potties are the only amenities that will be provided.  To see a checklist of useful items to bring go here:  Glass Buttes Checklist

 Also, if you have other interests in all the other aboriginal skill sets: food/fire/water/tanning/cordage/herbs/basketry/etc., etc., etc. - this is one of the best for networking/sharing/learning. Again, the weather is THE wildcard for this event . 

Point of contact is Rocky Male ().   Rocky will be providing the Porta-Potties (and firewood) so keep him in mind when the donation bucket goes around. 

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©2010 J Keffer