Raymond 'Ray' Alt, October 18, 1940- June 4, 2018
Raymond S. Alt, 77, of Livingston, Montana passed away on Monday, June 4, 2018 at his home with his family at his side. Ray was a Great Family man, Great Friend to all, Flintknapper, Hunter Extraordinaire, and all around Great Guy! His contribution to our flintknapping community was extensive and always appreciated. A frequent paricipant, Ray also organized and hosted the Elk River Knap-in at the Yellowstone Gate Way Museum for several years. His gracious demeanor and helpful advice were alway a positive influence on all of our members young and old! Comments from Friends: "Sad to hear Ray Alt has passed onto the next life. He was very friendly and always treated me with respect. I’ll miss seeing his face when I visit Montana." Douglas Cowan "He was such a positive force and inspiration!" Jim and Beverly Keffer "Ray was a loving husband, father and friend. He was an excellent flintknapper and hunter and co-hosted the Elk River Knapin in Livngston, MT. Our group spent many winters together in AZ. We will miss him and keep his family in our prayers!" Joan Lubin Urata "So glad they got to have a good winter in AZ this year and glad we got to spend a little time with them. Prayers and love to Harriet and the family." Marilyn Hemphill "Such a good guy. We were so saddened to hear this news. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Harriet and family." Rose Murdock |
©2010 J Keffer |